6 Quotes & Sayings By Roberto Llamas

Roberto Llamas is a renowned expert in the field of Leadership and Personal Development. A renowned global speaker, author, and the founder of the Llamas Group, he is widely known for his personal development training programs that have helped thousands of clients around the world. His books include The Art of Leadership, The Llamas Group Masterminds, and Live Your Purpose! Roberto Llamas has been featured in numerous media outlets including Good Morning America, Fox News, CNN International, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The View, Ultimate Music Challenge, Extra TV, The View From Your Seat podcast with Joel Brown, Oprah Radio Show with Michelle Bridges, and more.

I always believe that ideas are like shooting stars when you have one make it happen and not just wish. Roberto Llamas
Errors, failures, They are just experiences that will obligate you to evolve. Roberto Llamas
You have two options. work on someone else's ideas and make some money or generate ideas make them work and become a millionaire. Roberto Llamas
Intelligence comes with hard work and curiosity for the unknown. Roberto Llamas
Life is like a videogame, the harder it gets the victory feels better Roberto Llamas